Day #5: gradual finish, celebrations and dismantling of the stand
The last day of the R+T fair was quieter as usual. Nevertheless, we made the most of it, greeting some colleagues and business partners again, and some of our team even stayed in Stuttgart until Saturday to sleep in and enjoy a visit to the Porsche Museum.

The start to the last day of the fair was not quite to our liking, as a pipe burst at the hotel during the night and the hot water was not running in the morning. So we had to skip the morning ritual of a shower this time.
After arriving at the fairgrounds and opening the gates, it was clear that today’s day would be more peaceful. Our booth was still busy, with many business partners and colleagues returning our visits from the previous day. Representatives of ISOTRA, Climax, ROMA, Warema and Bematech stopped by.
However, we did not slack off either and took a last walk around the surrounding halls. We again paid attention to the odd halls in particular, but we also visited the even four and said hello to the Czech companies ZEBR and Shadeon.

After noon, the Stuttgart exhibition grounds had emptied out noticeably and exhibitors began to restock and pack up their stands. We started dismantling our stand around 6 pm. On Saturday morning, we are going to see to the dismantling of our sample blinds and screens so that they are not damaged, and this will bring the fair to a definitive close. Before returning to the Czech Republic, part of the team will take the opportunity to stop by the Porsche Museum.

We will make an overall assessment of the fair, including figures, in the next few days. Nevertheless, we can already say with certainty that the event was a great success. The organisers did their best, more than a thousand exhibitors gathered in Stuttgart and the atmosphere was great throughout the fair.
If nothing extraordinary happens before then, we will see you again on R+T in 2027.